Cromarty Brewing is 100% CO2 Self-Sufficient

In 2023, Cromarty Brewing Co. installed a DALUM CO2 Recovery Plant and has been entirely CO2 self-sufficient ever since. By capturing natural biogenic CO2 from fermentation, the brewery has completely eliminated CO2 road miles and significantly reduced its overall carbon footprint. Founder Craig Middleton shares his positive experience with the technology and its impact on Cromarty’s sustainability efforts.

Environmental and Financial Sustainability

Sustainability is a core value at Cromarty Brewing, and is reflected not only in their CO2 recovery system but also in the installation of solar panels on the brewery’s roof. With DALUM CO2 Plants consuming well below 0.3 kW per kilogram of CO2, Cromarty achieves a variable production cost of approximately 0.04 pence per kilogram, conservatively estimated. Besides the clear environmental benefits, this shows the financial advantages of investing in green technologies.

Learn more about DALUM’s CO2 recovery technology here.